Nancy Kalish's article in The New York Times has as thesis that waking up too early is bad for students. The author claim that waking up much before 8 a.m. make the first class of the morning a waste, because a lot of children fall asleep or don't even show up. In addition, Kalish states that insufficient sleep is linked to obesity and to learning issues like attention deficit. Other important premises are the examples given of schools that delayed the their start times. The results of this action were the increasing attendance and
scores of the students. Besides, the author also says that the number of teenagers involves in car crashes dropped.
I believe that Nacy Kalish established logical premises, which, then, became very persuasive. Thus, the accuracy of her premises guarantee the truth of her conclusion. In other words, the arguments are valid and strong. Therefore, waking up too early is bad for students indeed.
Kalish, Nancy (2008, Jan 14). The Early Bird Gets the Bad Grade. The New York Times. Retrieved July 11, 2012, from